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The Meaning of life is to give life meaning.” - Viktor. E Frankl

Workout - Back

  • Reverse Grip Cable Lat Pulldown - 4×12

  • Single Arm Dumbbell Row - 4×12

  • Dumbbell Pullovers - 4×12

  • Barbell Bent Over Row - 4×10

  • Cable Stiff Arm Pulldown - 4×15

  • Pull Ups Full Extension - 4×10 (or until failure for 4 sets)

Something to Watch - Job

One of the goals of Morning Face is to give as many people as much access to as many good recommendations as possible. But sometimes limited accessibility is what makes something even better. That’s why today’s recommendation is only for humans who have a body that is stationed in New York.

After two successful runs off-Broadway, Job is the latest and greatest play to officially make way to Broadway. It follows a disgruntled worker who attends a single session of work-mandated therapy following a breakdown. What ensues from there, over the course of an intermission free 80 minutes is truly unbelievable. It’s funny, it’s tense, it’s surprising and deeply original. The beauty of the show isn't in what it’s about, and realistically the less you know going into it, the better. It’s a masterfully written experience that will have you thinking, how did we get here, where is it going, how did we get here, alright now where’s it going, and repeat.

This show won’t be around forever, so if you’re in town, give it a go, and if you’re making your way to the big apple sometime soon, do yourself a favor and carve out the time.

Daily Challenge

What’s the food spot you’ve been dying to try nearby but haven’t done yet? Make a reservation.

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Enjoy the Day

-The Morning Face Team (Elan Fingles, CEO)