- Morning Face
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- Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
If it’s your birthday today or this weekend, Happy Birthday. If not, get em’ next time, tiger.
“The difference between good and great is consistency.” - Anonymous
Workout - Arms
Dips - 4×15
Straight Bar Cable Extensions - 4×12
Reverse Grip Straight Bar Cable Extensions - 4×12
Bent Over EZ Bar Kickbacks - 4×10
Single Arm Bicep Machine Curl - 4×15 (each arm)
Rope Hammer Curls - 4×12 (with flex at top)
21s EZ Bar Curls - 3 sets
Something to Watch - Dark Matter
Based on a massive book, Joel Edgerton lives a quiet but meaningful life as a happily married professor at a small college outside of Chicago. One night, he’s offered a job that will change his fortunes and as he contemplates his decision on a long walk, he’s abducted. When he wakes up in a room full of strangers, he’s confused and needs to get home. The kicker - it’s gonna be a whole damn thing to get there. Dark Matter on Apple TV was simmering but after a few episodes, it is boiling. It’s a wtf-is-going-on, a race-against-the-clock, and other-incorrect-uses-of-hyphanates. Of course, there’s only 6 episodes out so far, so if it ends up sucking then blame this recommendation on a coworker. Check out the trailer below:
Daily Challenge
Talk to a stranger. Don’t make it weird.
Enjoy the Day
-The Morning Face Team (Elan Fingles, CEO)