EMOM? e-Mom?


Maybe the solution to all of our emotional problems is just fucking humming.” - Jonny Miller

Workout - 🚨EMOM🚨

Courtesy of one of our long time readers, Frederick Colberg, all the way from NYC, we’re mixing it up today and sharing an Every Minute On the Minute workout, aka, the EMOM. You start with the first superset for 10 minutes total, and do one round of the superset before the 60 seconds is up. Once the next minute begins, start the superset again. Once you’re done the first one after 10 minutes, take a quick break, then move onto the next one until running through all of them. And here’s the real glory - the first three people to complete this and notify the MF team by replying to this email, will get a special shout out on the next edition of Morning Face. Happy EMOMing.

  • 10 Minutes

    • 6 Chin Ups

    • 12 Push Ups

  • 10 Minutes

    • 6 Toes to Bar

    • 6 Goblet Squats

  • 10 Minutes

    • 12 KB Swings

    • Plank for the remaining minute

  • 10 Minutes

    • 4 one arm KB clean, squat and press (each side)

    • 6 DB Curls

Something to Watch - Bodyguard (2018)

Lock. In.

The Bodyguard is a tight 6 episodes of nonstop high blood pressure. From the second it starts until it ends, you are in for it. It follows Richard Madden as a badass veteran assigned to be the bodyguard for a highly controversial politician, the powerful Keeley Hawes. What happens over the course of the season is a nonstop blood-boiling thrill ride that rips at every heart string.

Don’t think that you’re in for a major commitment here. Once you start you’ll want to finish and it won’t take long. And if you haven’t heard of this before, you’re not alone. It came and went but it is more than worth the watch. Rob Stark may not have been able to defend Winterfell, but give this a go to find out if he can protect his new queen.

Daily Challenge

Last week the excitable capitalists at Morning Face told you to treat yourself and buy something. This week let’s turn it around. Take a look at the finances and start investing in something new.

Share Morning Face

Want to tell your friend that they should start working out but don’t have the guts to do it? You don’t have to. Be passive aggressive and send them a link to Morning Face and let them figure it out for themselves.

Enjoy the Day

-The Morning Face Team (Elan Fingles, CEO)